Auto selection of tracks causes tracks to be out of order

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Auto selection of tracks causes tracks to be out of order

Post by Dlk25 »

For ages I didnt set a default language in makemkv so it didnt auto select any tracks and everything would be ticked when I opened. I decided to configure it to English just to make my life easier but have noticed a weird behavior.

If I have it auto-select English subtitle tracks but then decide to add the Japanese subtitle tracks. The tracks that I manually select will come out in the MKV file output with track numbers "after" all the tracks that were auto selected even if in the gut the tracks that I manually selected came before the auto selected tracks. This confused me for a bit when I was trying to figure out which forced tracks were blank etc.

I confirmed this was due to the auto selection because when I disabled it and went back to having everything selected by default and manually selecting myself they all came out in the order in the gui.

Is this expected behaviour as it seems un-intuitive and a bit confusing. I have basically gone back to not having any auto selection for now as it was making it hard to understand the debug messages about blank subtitle tracks because the numbers didnt match what I saw in the gui.
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