Matching files to episodes

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Matching files to episodes

Post by logan55 »

Is there a way to make individual files to episodes when ripping tv series? Ripping shows with say 6 episodes on a disc seems to sometimes generate 12 files (duplicates of each episode) and sometimes they arnt in order, like the 01 file actually is episode 4 on the disc so I have to play the file to name it properly.
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Re: Matching files to episodes

Post by Woodstock »

Sometimes, playing the file is the ONLY way to figure out which file is which, unfortunately. I've had series (more than one disk) where the files were out of order on each disk, usually in the same order (like episode 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6). Sometimes they have names associated with them (usually on BDs) that make it obvious, but the standard MakeMKV USUALLY uses is "order they're in the directory", rather than by file name.
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