Additional hard drive space being used during conversion

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Additional hard drive space being used during conversion

Post by taintedominik »

A friend of a friend suggested I use MakeMKV as an option to help digitize my DVD collection to free up physical space in my place. So far it's definitely an easy program to use, but I've noticed after converting a disc with approximately 4 files totaling in size about 7-8gb (not unexpected), the amount of free space on my hard drive actually goes down by about 12-14gb (or more). I'm not super tech oriented, but is there maybe a temp file, or some kind of duplication that needs to be cleared out to make the free space reduction match the actual output?

I'm using the program on a computer that doesn't have any other programs and I'm not using it for any data intensive programs.

Apologies if this question has already been asked and answered in a previous topic, I did a search and didn't see an answer.

Any ideas would be appreciated, and thanks in advance!
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Re: Additional hard drive space being used during conversion

Post by Woodstock »

Generally speaking, MakeMKV won't use a lot of "temporary file space", because it doesn't need it for general ripping.

However, some disks will produce more output than you expect - while a disk may have 8GB of actual data, ripping the TITLES on it can take more. A title can be constructed from parts of multiple files; A "director's cut" version might simply be extra scenes spliced into the "theatrical cut", so a 6GB feature and a 7GB director's cut version fit on a 8GB DVD.

Disney DVDs have 2 or 3 versions of the feature, differing only in the language of the titles and credits, as an example. Lionsgate likes to put dozens or hundreds of "false titles" that are merely scrambled copies of the main feature on their DVDs and BDs.

If you highlight each title in the left menu before you rip, the lower right box will tell you approximately how large that will be on your hard drive, and the total should match pretty well with the final result.
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