Strange Audio Issue

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Strange Audio Issue

Post by mobilebyrd »

I've been ripping Blu Ray for a while and recently I've been experiencing an issue wherein I hear an announcer's voice telling me what is being shown to me on screen. Honestly, it's like there's an audio track for the visually impaired telling blind people what's happening on screen. I experienced this issue with Spectre and The Revenant. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or what other tools I need to use to get rid of this problem?

I experienced the issue in PowerDVD12, Windows Media Center and Windows 10 (whatever the heck it's using by default).

Please advise.
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Re: Strange Audio Issue

Post by Woodstock »

You are finding the "descriptive" track; It is intended for the visually impaired.

It is possible that this track has "better specifications" than the normal audio tracks; MakeMKV gives priority to selecting those tracks by default.

You can override default selections by clicking on the small triangle next to a title in the left menu, and looking at what tracks have been selected. If you have "expert mode" turned on, you can change the rule for making the selections as well.
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Re: Strange Audio Issue

Post by mobilebyrd »

Thanks Woodstock
Is there a way to remove the descriptive track after it's been burned using handbrake or something?
Posts: 10490
Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:21 pm

Re: Strange Audio Issue

Post by Woodstock »

You can always strip it out. mkvmerge will allow you to copy the file without the track, or even move its priority.

My system has MakeMKV rip "everything", then I pick and chose what to use in handbrake.

Making sure your favorite language and audio quality is the FIRST track in the output file is the best bet for compatibility, because some players do not respect things like the default flag, just track order.
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