Glitches while using two drives

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Glitches while using two drives

Post by FretNoize »

When using simultanously two drives (one Blu-ray, one DVD) and two program instances, the program has a few glitches.

When you put in a new disc in either of the drives and both program instances are 'on idle', both show the initial "new disc" screen, meaning this progress bar. Not a big problem.

More annoying, when you eject a disk from drive 1, the instance 1 switches over to drive 2.

When you start instance 2, while instance 1 is already ripping, it takes very long to detect the "used" drive. It would be nice, if it would detect internally if there is another instance hooked on the drive.

None of this is a showstopper, the program is very nice. Thumbs up!
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