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Re: Compression

Post by Woodstock »

Cinavia is a different story - it's not a form of encryption. It is an audio "fingerprint" that is added to the BD, and it ONLY works if you use a player that respects it... and most devices and programs that handle MKV files do NOT look at Cinavia.

MakeMKV removes the encryption from the video/audio.
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Joined: Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:31 am

Re: Compression

Post by MrVideo »

Woodstock wrote:and most devices and programs that handle MKV files do NOT look at Cinavia.
A Blu-ray player (a device) is supposed to validate Cinavia no matter the source. But, there are some Blu-ray players that do not check files. Unfortunately, Samsung is a manufacturer that does validate Cinavia, no matter the source.
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