Yugatha wrote:I've just upgraded from a laptop to a desktop, and put 4 LG BH16NS55 drives in (the newer version of the S40). Currently ripping 2 discs to the same drive (2TB WD Black) at 10.9x and 10.6x. Other discs were around 6-8x, but they seem quite good for now.
One drive finished, and now the other is going at 11.6x... speed is good.
Edit 2:
These were both Bluray discs
This thread is several months old but it's good to hear some actual ripping speeds that others are experiencing. I have two of the wH16NS40 and am currently ripping the Blu-Ray version of a movie about 'CARS' that may be the '3'rd release....at 7.2x. I'm interested to see how the BH16NS55 compares and if those same speeds hold up as 11.6x is very impressive. I'm running 2x Samsung NVMe SSDs in RAID0, i7-6770K, 32GB DDR4 memory on Windows 10 1709.