created a DTS 5.1 track from 7.1

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created a DTS 5.1 track from 7.1

Post by rugbyguy9 »


I was remuxing a movie with DTS -HD MA 7.1 track, Atmos and DD. but no DTS 5.1 track (i accidentally muxed it out using mkvtoolnix)

when using makemkv i noticed that it was able to create a 5.1 track underneath the 7.1 track. the 5.1 track was not there before, can Makemkv create a 5.1 audio track how is this possible? or is it a glitch?

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Re: created a DTS 5.1 track from 7.1

Post by Woodstock »

DTS-HD contains a DTS track within it. MakeMKV simply extracts that as a separate track, if you chose to do that.

See this article in Wikipedia for a bit more information:
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