Now, in tons of searching, this seems to be a common issue. Most tutorials for MakeMKV feature guys doing Disney movies and the like. Not full length series, and the DVDs themselves were likely more cheaply made than the blockbuster titles. One thing that kept coming back was to use Handbrake. So, I got Handbrake. The purpose of this was to 1, convert the MKV files into something more commonly used, so as to make your library work on more devices. Cool. The other purpose, and the main one for me, was to break up the episodes into individual files, for organization's sake. Normally, Handbrake would be able to detect the episodes by going to the Titles drop-down menu. In doing that, I instead got this.

The other thing that kept coming up was to use MKVMerge. Unfortunately I couldn't ever find anything that bothered to say how to do it, just that you can. So! Seeing as I ran into this problem in disc 1 of over a hundred, chances are it's going to keep coming up. So, what I need is a detailed and definitive explanation of how I can break up these files into individual episodes. Later on down the line, I'm doing Dragon Ball Z, which, is 291 episodes... So this is going to be a big project and I need to know what I'm doing.