Slow Speeds

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Slow Speeds

Post by 1ruleyou »

So I am sort of new to this DVD/BD conversion for streaming to all my devices. I have a Plex Media server set up and am trying to convert all my movies to MKV files.

My problem is it takes FOREVER to convert 1 DVD. I tried using handbreak and it was WAY faster. Handbreak utilized 100% of my CPU when MakeMKV only uses on average 3%. I would switch over to handbreak but I think I get better quality from MakeMKV. I understand that MakeMKV creates larger files but it still doesn't explain why MakeMKV only uses a small percent of my CPU.

Any solutions?
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Re: Slow Speeds

Post by NShameA »

Hello, MakeMKV is used first to rip a .mkv of the source THEN HandBrake is run using "High Profile" with container set to mkv. This combination has made wonderful files. You can also create a profile in HandBrake to reuse. Sometimes in HandBrake I have to set the Horizontal size to 720 at the start or I get a huge first Transcode. GL

For Blueray I use same settings as above with these settings in the extra options line. Makes the files comparable in size to DVD rip / TC files. Settings below are from an article at


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Re: Slow Speeds

Post by Woodstock »

Slow ripping generally means there is a problem with the optical drive or the disk... Even my slowest system will rip disks at 5-20x, depending upon where on the disk the file is located.

But a damaged or dirty disk takes longer, due to having to retry many reads multiple times. If it's happening with multiple disks, you should look at a better drive, OR a better way to connect it to your system (USB is not ideal).

Handbrake uses 100% CPU because it's doing more than just copying data, and what it does takes a lot of CPU power. It doesn't need to read any faster than it compresses the data, so it can seem faster.

The MKV files made by MakeMKV are essentially the same as what was on the disk. So it is the "best quality" you're going to get, unless you have access to the uncompressed master files at the studio. But much of that is wasted space, which is where handbrake comes in, with better compression. You will lose SOME quality by compressing again, but you can determine how much by the settings of handbrake.

Note that Plex is doing on-the-fly conversion of your MKV files as you watch them with various devices, to make them compatible with that device's restrictions. Compressing with handbrake does not make a big difference in such a circumstance, because Plex is still going to do work.
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Re: Slow Speeds

Post by 1ruleyou »

Thank you guys so much!

I will try what you have suggested. I know plex does some conversions but if I want to do this on a VERY large home theater screen are there tips for that? Certain formats/devices that make it the best quality?

Thanks again!
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Re: Slow Speeds

Post by Woodstock »

"Best quality" is going to be without processing by other programs - simply use the MKV generated, since it is a direct copy of what is on the disk. ANY recoding degrades the image to some extent, because "lossless" encoding of a 1080p stream is a LOT of bandwidth.

I can't give you any recommendations on settings for PLEX, because I don't use it. I know they have a pretty extensive library of device profiles that are included, plus the ability to modify them to suit your needs. I would suggest using a server that has Intel QuickSync Video extensions, though... It makes a big difference in speed for most video tasks, and on-the-fly conversion is where it "shines".

You might also want to read this about screen resolution vs. viewing distance.
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Re: Slow Speeds

Post by 1ruleyou »

Thank you very much! Great article.
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