Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by geogan »

nathan wrote:UK Lovefilm/amazon

Source file: 808 mpls

Segment order: 501 514 516 502 510 503 504 506 511 517 515 505 508 509 507
This matches my disc here in Ireland too.

Source file name: 00808.mpls
Duration: 2:26:14
Chapters count: 16
Size: 20.2 GB
Segment count: 15
Segment map: 501,514,516,502,510,503,504,506,511,517,515,505,508,509,507

Only Dolby Digital - no DTS-MA - that's crap for Bluray isn't it. I see some of the US versions are nearly 30Gb for same film - higher quality encoding? DTS-MA in those?
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by make_mkv »

I hope you all realize that they are likely different on the rental discs....

and posting in here with/requesting info from a rental disc is probably a bad idea
not afilliated with
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by matt198t »

dannyboy48888 wrote:The following has worked for me and is under windows. Yuo will need the following:

OpenedFilesView: Free (ask Google, made by Nir Sofer)
A bluray player: Free usually with drive-$60 (used arcsoft TMT6)
MakeMKV: Free-$50 (worth the cash folks!!)

1)Run OpenFilesView and set the refresh interval to 1sec and apply a search for m2ts filter

2)Open TMT6 and navigate to the menu and select the title you want

3) in OpenfilesView watch for the open M2TS name and note it

4) forward around 8x (just forward, not chapter mode as each chapter may have multiple M2TS files) and note each change in M2TS file that is opened as this is the order they are played in. If you observe the % file read gauge you can speed up and slow down the forward speed as seen fit, but may result in a missed segmet.

5) In BDInfo Scan The disc and then look at the MPLS listings. Note the one that has the correct M2TS files order as this is the title.
6) In MakeMKV Pick the title that corresponds to the MPLS you picked in BDinfo. You can use it to look at the mpls list in MakeMKV but sometimes it goes 511,1,505,508,503,3,510 which makes it harder to pick the correct title (and it's just a double check).

This method has proven more accurate at least for me as it reduces the odds of bad sections that are the same time and documents the same order the Software is playing it in. As always crtique welcome and results may vary....Tested on Hunger Games 1 and 2 on a windows 7 box without anyDVD running. VM MACHINES WILL NOT WORK and will cause TMT6 and PowerDVD to exit
can you tell me how to do this. not used this program before
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by nathan »

dannyboy48888 wrote:The following has worked for me and is under windows. Yuo will need the following:

OpenedFilesView: Free (ask Google, made by Nir Sofer)
A bluray player: Free usually with drive-$60 (used arcsoft TMT6)
MakeMKV: Free-$50 (worth the cash folks!!)

1)Run OpenFilesView and set the refresh interval to 1sec and apply a search for m2ts filter

2)Open TMT6 and navigate to the menu and select the title you want

3) in OpenfilesView watch for the open M2TS name and note it

4) forward around 8x (just forward, not chapter mode as each chapter may have multiple M2TS files) and note each change in M2TS file that is opened as this is the order they are played in. If you observe the % file read gauge you can speed up and slow down the forward speed as seen fit, but may result in a missed segmet.

5) In BDInfo Scan The disc and then look at the MPLS listings. Note the one that has the correct M2TS files order as this is the title.
6) In MakeMKV Pick the title that corresponds to the MPLS you picked in BDinfo. You can use it to look at the mpls list in MakeMKV but sometimes it goes 511,1,505,508,503,3,510 which makes it harder to pick the correct title (and it's just a double check).

This method has proven more accurate at least for me as it reduces the odds of bad sections that are the same time and documents the same order the Software is playing it in. As always crtique welcome and results may vary....Tested on Hunger Games 1 and 2 on a windows 7 box without anyDVD running. VM MACHINES WILL NOT WORK and will cause TMT6 and PowerDVD to exit

Brilliant, just what I needed, a few minutes searching to find all the programs and got to work on the "non-bought, postal" UK version of Sin City 2 and Expendables 3. If any are interested in the results pm me.

If it helps others I found it easier to hide columns so that only Full Path, File Size and File Position show. Then also select to hide files in windows folder, system and svchost files. The result is a much smaller list to observe.
I also found it impossible to find the .M2TS file hidden among the 2000+ showing, so use the find command (under Edit) to hunt it down.

Then click the "Full Path" header to re-organise the list into path order, first click will order it A-Z, second click will reverse the order, now you can find your Optical Drive so much easier.

When you start playing the film just keep an eye on the File Size and Position columns, dannyboy4888's advice to run at 8x speed is good but if the file is large then you can speed right up but be prepared to slow down as the position counter gets close to the full size.

BDinfo throws up an error if the disc is copy protected, just cancel the warning and you should find that it has got the basic information you need showing anyway.
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by dannyboy48888 »

Glad it helped! BDinfo can be skipped I just use it to verify I'm getting the title is all. TMT player has been acting wonky on some discs so I used powerdvd 14 with no issues
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by animal »

This is the correct playlist for US retail version:

Title information
Name: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (English)
Source file name: 00778.mpls
Duration: 2:26:14
Chapters count: 16
Size: 29.0 GB
Segment count: 15
Segment map: 511,512,515,507,504,513,514,503,502,505,506,510,508,509,501
File name: The Hunger Games Catching Fire.mkv
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by 1BadRipper »

What do I do with this information?

Title information
Name: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (English)
Source file name: 00778.mpls
Duration: 2:26:14
Chapters count: 16
Size: 29.0 GB
Segment count: 15
Segment map: 511,512,515,507,504,513,514,503,502,505,506,510,508,509,501
File name: The Hunger Games Catching Fire.mkv

When I use MakeMKV I have been following the basic and simple instructions that are on the home page
How do I set up a segment map and how do I select 00778.mpls when makemkv only shows the same chapter for all checkable files?

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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by 1BadRipper »

OK I have the info:
Title information
Name: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (English)
Source file name: 00778.mpls
Duration: 2:26:14
Chapters count: 16
Size: 29.0 GB
Segment count: 15
Segment map: 511,512,515,507,504,513,514,503,502,505,506,510,508,509,501
File name: The Hunger Games Catching Fire.mkv

How do I set MKV to use this data to rip correctly since the normal way I use MakeMKV does not involve me doing anything with this data?

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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by Woodstock »

As you scroll down the list of titles in the left hand list, the right hand side will show the file name, along with other information.
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by lumine01 »

Mondays wrote:Netflix BD:


Total size: 12085504 sectors (23604 MBytes)
Video Blu-ray label: CATCHING_FIRE
Media is AACS protected!
Drive supports bus encryption!
AACS MKB version 44
Removed AACS copy protection!
Note: automatic detection of region code not possible with this disc.
Java BD protection good playlists: 461
Blu-ray Java signatures fixed!
BD-Live deactivated!
Sony structural BD-J protection removed!
Removed annoying video sequences!
Removed UOPs!


Title information
Name: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Source file name: 00461.mpls
Duration: 2:26:14
Chapters count: 16
Size: 20.8 GB
Segment count: 15
Segment map: 505,514,517,507,506,511,516,509,510,503,508,515,512,513,502

Easy as pie if you have both programs.
Thank you, everyone, for posting your correct versions. I was able to compare my source files (in this case, 00461.mpls) to the segment maps posted by everyone in this thread until I was able to find a match. Again, thanks! :)
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by lostpilgrimuk »

Disposable9 wrote:The UK version seems to be different again.

I bought the Blu Ray / DVD / Ultravoilet version of The Hunger Games Catching Fire.

I did a complete backup with MakeMKV and then went through and matched up the segments visually against the retail disc playing.

Code: Select all

Order   Segment Duration    Start Time
1       503     00:05:57    00:00:00
2       505     00:00:43    00:05:57
3       514     00:02:15    00:06:40
4       509     00:00:20    00:08:55
5       506     00:05:02    00:09:15
6       504     00:00:23    00:14:17
7       512     00:01:31    00:14:40
8       507     00:00:36    00:16:11
9       501     00:00:49    00:16:47
10      502     00:29:42    00:17:36
11      515     00:00:50    00:47:18
12      513     00:00:57    00:48:08
13      508     00:15:01    00:49:05
14      510     00:00:26    01:04:06
15      511     01:21:35    01:04:32
                02:26:07    02:26:07
This segment order only matched one playlist 00699, which was title 114 for me.

I gotta say obscuring which title is the movie is a pretty petty form of DRM. I waste a couple of hours figuring it out, so it hardly seems like it's really stopping anyone. Just makes it more unpleasant for genuine customers who want to rip these discs to there own media server.
Cheers for posting this you are a life saver. None of the other posts even came close for the BD I have. Any chance you have section sequence for mockingjay part 1
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by Disposable9 »

lostpilgrimuk wrote:Cheers for posting this you are a life saver. None of the other posts even came close for the BD I have. Any chance you have section sequence for mockingjay part 1
I don't think I posted this, but it seems to be confirmed in another thread:

Code: Select all

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

Order	Segment	Duration	Start Time
1	512	0:13:54	00:00:00
2	520	0:00:34	00:13:54
3	507	0:00:20	00:14:28
4	504	0:00:39	00:14:48
5	503	0:08:31	00:15:27
6	514	0:00:27	00:23:58
7	506	0:00:33	00:24:25
8	516	0:01:04	00:24:58
9	501	0:10:57	00:26:02
10	509	0:00:54	00:36:59
11	515	0:01:07	00:37:53
12	517	0:00:57	00:39:00
13	502	0:25:36	00:39:57
14	505	0:00:56	01:05:33
15	513	0:00:24	01:06:29
16	518	0:14:03	01:06:53
17	519	0:00:59	01:20:56
18	510	0:00:35	01:21:55
19	511	0:01:15	01:22:30
20	508	0:39:04	01:23:45
		2:02:50	02:02:49
Matching playlist 00871.mpls			
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by Nuitarius »

I know I am a bit late with this info, but I did not find my disc version playlist listed in here. Maybe it will save someone else time.
Disc version DK (Denmark - Europe) Complete 4-disc collection BluRay.
Playlist data detected with DVDfab (an awesome program that can reveal true playlist)

Title information
Source file name: 00481.mpls
Duration: 2:26:15
Chapters count: 15
Size: 36.5 GB
Segment count: 15
Segment map: 113,117,111,122,105,109,116,104,110,123,115,200,119,114,108
File name: title_t95.mkv

I am impressed by the commitment from Lionsgate to obscuring on this collection. They have also put on some bs DRM that detects the copy on my NAS if I use e.g. PS4 so it gives me a visual warning on a black screen after 15 minutes while continuing sound. My Nvidia Shield doesn't have that DRM chip so F-you Lionsgate. Trying to make it look like I am not legally in my right to make a copy is so low.
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Re: Hunger Games Catching Fire BD - Which Playlist

Post by dancoffin »

I have the retail 4 film collection.

The map I got was:
501, 514, 516, 502, 510, 503, 504, 506, 511, 517, 515, 505, 508, 509, 507

Playlist: 808.mpls
Duration: 2:26:14
Track 172 according to Handbrake
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