noob bluray hardware burner recommendation sought

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noob bluray hardware burner recommendation sought

Post by tazmo »

Hi -

Does anyone have any specific recommendations for an external USB3 connected Bluray reader+burner for use with makemkv?

This would be for the April timeframe 2014 (for archive purposes).

I can't remember where I saw it but I seem to recall some bluray drive manufacturers adding DRM to their firmware which may prevent backup.

Anyone run into this with makemkv?

Looking for something with relative current specs with a "reasonable" price (US).

Any recommendations would be appreciated (and apologies if this is too much of a "noob" question)….

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Re: noob bluray hardware burner recommendation sought

Post by DesertWolf29 »

Hi tazmo!

The drive I use works pretty well and I like it because it only requires one USB port.
Here's the link: Samsung Drive
Its not USB3.0 unfortunately, but it still rips discs at a reasonable speed and I have had no problems with it when it comes to DRM so far... but that can change. Its sort of a cat a mouse game with software like MakeMKV and the movie studios when it comes to DRM with Blu-Rays. Movie studios can revoke keys that are used to decrypt Blu-Rays and then MakeMKV needs to be updated with the new keys to be able to decrypt the disc. Thats my understanding on how things work when it comes to DRM with Blu-Rays. DVDs are another story because they only have one decryption key that studios couldn't revoke, so when that key leaked on the internet, it became easy to rip DVDs. So in summary, you shouldn't have any problems with ripping DVDs and Blu-rays should rip just fine as long as the developers can keep up with the new encryption keys.

Edit: Shortened Link
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