Seems overpriced?

Everything related to MakeMKV
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Re: Seems overpriced?

Post by smashey »

Okay, thanks for the explanation, it seems it is out of the devs hands. Just a pity it is so much more expensive for EU customers.
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Re: Seems overpriced?

Post by cesmkv »

This is an outstanding program. Makes high quality mkv's and does it quickly. I personally don't do 3d or BD and only use the program for DVD's. According to the info I should be getting the product free after it is released. I look forward to that and pledge to make a donation to support the ongoing development.
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Re: Seems overpriced?

Post by Zanthexter »

setarip_old wrote:You should also keep in mind that (Whether YOU use them or not), MakeMKV works with multiple OSs, Windows, Linux and MAC ;>}
And as a (insert OS here) user I couldn't care less about (insert other OS here). I also couldn't care less about (insert niche feature here) because I only (insert other niche thing there)

In other words, the laundry list of features doesn't determine how valuable it is. It's the subset of the features that interests a prospective buyer.

There's also the fact that $20 has a wildly different "worth" to a person flipping burgers and an $80k a year salesman. Instead of just selling to the salesman who looks at $20 as pocket change, MakeMKV ought to sell to everyone, including the burger flipper that has to work a half a day to scrape $20 together.

The #1 reason the "PC Ecosystem" has been all but dead for the majority of casual users for years is software pricing. "Apps" sell so well because they're cheap impulse buys. Most people just aren't willing to shell out significant amounts of money on software, no matter how good the feature set.

I recently bought a great utility program with a fantastic feature set for about 1/4th it's usual (and rarely discounted) price. I'd been aware of it, and deciding NOT to buy it for probably 15, 20 years now. It was worth $12 to me. Not $50. If it was $5 they'd probably sell millions of copies.
mukiex wrote:Over-priced compared to what? Pirating AnyDVD? Downloading bootlegs?
Exactly. Do you REALLLLLLY think most people using MakeMKV are just ripping legally purchased disks to their HTTPC for a fancy video jukebox? Most of them are using it to pirate RedBox, Netflix, and their friends and neighbors disks. Whether those folks are scumbags or not doesn't matter, it's whether or not some of them might pay for MakeMKV (and the movies themselves) if the prices were lower.

But, at the same time there are ethical people who do in fact use it to copy their own content, and are well heeled enough to not sweat $80. And there are also pirates that have more of an "open source" mentality and would happily donate a few bucks to "help the project". And finally, folks that'd throw $10 the developers way just to not have to grab the beta key every so often. MakeMKV is turning a lot of their money away. Different folks have different thresholds.
Eric714 wrote:I think creators of MakeMKV should consider the marketing concept of price elasticity."
Well, you're partly right. What MakeMKV really needs is price optimization. In other words, they need to get $80 from the folks willing to pay $80, and $5 from the folks willing to pay $5.

Comcast and AT&T do that by offering different levels of service.
JC Penny and Staples do it by offering coupons and sales.

I think if MakeMKV had the equivelent of a "Black Friday Special" and maybe a less discounted "Summer Sale" they would take in more money than a constant high price. Folks that are more price sensative would would wait. Folks that are less would just pay up and be done with it.

To put it another way, if MakeMKV made the front page of with a $10 1 day sale, it'd likely rake in tens of thousands of dollars of otherwise lost revenue, possibly more given the millions of users on that site. The publicity sure wouldn't hurt either. At $50... nada from all those people...
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Re: Seems overpriced?

Post by twa000 »

Zanthexter wrote:
setarip_old wrote:You should also keep in mind that (Whether YOU use them or not), MakeMKV works with multiple OSs, Windows, Linux and MAC ;>}
Eric714 wrote:I think creators of MakeMKV should consider the marketing concept of price elasticity."
Well, you're partly right. What MakeMKV really needs is price optimization. In other words, they need to get $80 from the folks willing to pay $80, and $5 from the folks willing to pay $5.

Comcast and AT&T do that by offering different levels of service.
JC Penny and Staples do it by offering coupons and sales.

I think if MakeMKV had the equivelent of a "Black Friday Special" and maybe a less discounted "Summer Sale" they would take in more money than a constant high price. Folks that are more price sensative would would wait. Folks that are less would just pay up and be done with it.

To put it another way, if MakeMKV made the front page of with a $10 1 day sale, it'd likely rake in tens of thousands of dollars of otherwise lost revenue, possibly more given the millions of users on that site. The publicity sure wouldn't hurt either. At $50... nada from all those people...
I think for all your "logical" verbage, you are missing one tiny point...... if Mike was interested in the money, he (I guess) would have made this an official release at least 2 years ago and made everyone pay for it.
Instead, he continues to update and add features to the "?" Makemkv. :D
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