Hi to everybody,
Let me quickly introduce myself - I'm the Stereoscopic Player developer and currently working on MKV-MVC support for the player. I'm posting here because I can't find any spec out there for MVC content in the Matroska container. Matroska.org covers only backward-compatible stereo formats (side-by-side, over/under, ...), but not MVC.
So far I’ve found out (by analyzing files created by MakeMKV) that there is no separate track entry for MVC, so I guess the two views are merged into a single track (like its done in the MP4 container).
What I’m missing, however, is the subset SPS and the second PPS in the codec private data.
In the MP4 container, this issue has been solved with the mvcC atom that exists in addition to the avcC atom if it is a MVC file.
So the question is, where does the Matroska container store the subset SPS and the second PPS? Or do I have to parse the bitstream for the subset NALs like in a MPEG transport stream? But that would not be a good design, because all information describing the format and required to select the proper decoder should be in the headers. I would expect a CodecPrivateEx or CodecPrivateMvc element with the additional data for MVC (subset SPS, 2nd PPS) besides the CodecPrivate element that holds the backward compatible data for AVC (SPS, PPS). Does anybody know if such an element exists?
Best regards,
Peter Wimmer
Wankm?llerhofstr. 9
4020 Linz