Playing UHDs in VLC with WH16NS60

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Playing UHDs in VLC with WH16NS60

Post by TylerJaacks »

Is it possible to play (not rip) UHD movies in VLC with the WH16NS60?

I have MakeMKV open and it detects my drive and will rip properly.

I have a System C:\WINDOWS/System32, System (32bit) C:\WINDOWS/SysWOW64 and VLC C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC all checked.

I have libaacs.dll in the VLC folder and drl and hrl in my %RoamingAppData%/aacs folder

When I open VLC and go to Media -> Open Disc and select Blu-ray and select play it just loads for a while and then says

Blu-ray error:
Failed to start bluray playback. Please try without menu support.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///F:/'. Check the log for details.

Disabling menus did seem to work I believe I was just hoping I could get it working with menus.

Drive Information
OS device name: F:
Current profile: BD-ROM
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE WH16NS60
Revision: 1.02
Serial number:
Firmware date: 2118-10-29 19:36
Bus encryption flags: 17
Highest AACS version: 76

LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1959
Firmware type: Patched (microcode access re-enabled)
Firmware version: 1.02
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes

Disc Information
Timestamp: 2020-08-02 11:23:09
Protection: AACS2.0/C v76
Data capacity: 63.34 Gb
Disc type: BD-ROM UHD
Number of layers: 3
Bus encryption flags: 80
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Re: Playing UHDs in VLC with WH16NS60

Post by dcoke22 »

If my memory is correct, I think you need Java for most blu-ray menus to work. It has been a long time since I tried to play a blu-ray with VLC, so I don't have much experience with it. I just rip my discs and play the files; it seems easier. :)
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Re: Playing UHDs in VLC with WH16NS60

Post by Yethidran »

1) in makemkv preferences, make sure the "Integration Tab" has been checked marked for vlc.
2) when you open vlc, go to the "Media Tab" and click on it, then go to "Open Disc", once that is done, choose the "Blu-ray button" not the "DVD" button.
3) for me, i also do an extra step by clicking on the "No Disc Menus button"
4) the uhd movie then can be played without menus or hiccups.
5) if you wish to play with "Disc menu's" i find that vlc will become unresponsive.
6) i guess its a limitation in VLC itself not being able to handle disc menus.
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Re: Playing UHDs in VLC with WH16NS60

Post by Yethidran »

but my trusted and go to software player for uhd and bluray movies is and always will be "MPC-HC" over VLC.
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Re: Playing UHDs in VLC with WH16NS60

Post by mas1701 »

TylerJaacks wrote:
Thu Feb 06, 2025 12:37 am
Is it possible to play (not rip) UHD movies in VLC with the WH16NS60?

I have MakeMKV open and it detects my drive and will rip properly.

I have a System C:\WINDOWS/System32, System (32bit) C:\WINDOWS/SysWOW64 and VLC C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC all checked.

I have libaacs.dll in the VLC folder and drl and hrl in my %RoamingAppData%/aacs folder

When I open VLC and go to Media -> Open Disc and select Blu-ray and select play it just loads for a while and then says

Blu-ray error:
Failed to start bluray playback. Please try without menu support.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///F:/'. Check the log for details.

Disabling menus did seem to work I believe I was just hoping I could get it working with menus.
You need to install a valid Java Runtime Environment (JRE), so VLC can use it to run the Java menu program code. Most, but not all menus on Blu-ray use Java.

Playing from disc or from a harddisk rip makes no difference regarding menus. So AACS isn't relevant here either. VLC handles BD and UHD-BD the same - if menus work on BD, they will also work on BD-UHD. There isn't much structural difference between them.

Note 1: If your VLC is 64bit, Java must also be 64bit. If your VLC is 32bit, Java must also be available as a 32bit version on your system.

Note 2: Not every Java version works well with Blu-ray. In fact, only a few select versions do. If your player crashes often, you have the wrong version. It takes some effort to find one that works well. For me, I'm on Java 12.0.2 on Linux Mint 21.3.

>>> You may need a (free) Oracle user account to get a specific, older version of Java. <<<
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Re: Playing UHDs in VLC with WH16NS60

Post by sierrasawdust »

That Java version info was super helpful, thank you!!!
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