DVD Copy Device

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DVD Copy Device

Post by SuperFlyBriBri »

This idea might be a little bit out there but I figure that this might be the place to ask.

Has anyone in the past looked to create a DVD Copy Device that would basically be a drive that I am assuming would need to be plugged in for power but would be independent of a full size computer or laptop?

Something that would be small and efficient to bring along to put a disk into the drive without a user interface and have the device rip and copy the information onto an attached storage device without interaction.

Then the drive could be removed at another time and the information could be plugged into a regular computer device for later interaction.
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Re: DVD Copy Device

Post by Woodstock »

Actually, GOOGLE would be one of the places to ask, since you're looking for something outside of MakeMKV.

Amazon lists devices kind of like your message title (DVD copy devices) in various levels of portability.

But what you describe is what the industry would call a "portable piracy device", so any site that promotes that functionality would be under constant attack by the industry.
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Re: DVD Copy Device

Post by mas1701 »

Indeed there are standalone disc copy stations like one source ROM drive and eight RW destination drives in one big tower case.

But these are, for reasons already mentioned, not meant to copy protected media.

However, nothing would stop a "pirate" to make ONE unprotected copy and then use that as a source in such a copy station to make more.
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