Pop up says "This application version is too old.

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Pop up says "This application version is too old.

Post by dnreynolds »

I tried installing MakeMKV on two Windows 11 machines and get the same message. When U start MakeMKV I get a pop-up that says "This application version is too old. Please download the latest version at www.makeMKV.com or enter a registration key to continue to use the current version.

I have the latest version and I don't have a registration key. (I have looked for the key in the .rtf file that comes with the installation, but it has not key. I also tried pasting the entire message into the place to put the key (like it suggests, but to no avail. I installed MakeMKV last year, i.e., 2024, and it worked fine.

How do I deal with this?
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Re: Pop up says "This application version is too old.

Post by Woodstock »

Do you read the forum? This is mentioned EVERY TWO MONTHS, when the beta key expires. Especially when the current version is coming up on its second renewal of said key. There's even an announcement explaining it... MakeMKV is free while in beta
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