Keep a track despite errors...

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Keep a track despite errors...

Post by Laurence5905 »

Hi, I'm trying to rip my Miami Vice DVDs, and I'm on Season 4, Disc 4, and the first track will not rip. I've cleaned the disc multiple times, of course. It gets to 803.5M ripped and then gives me a bunch of "The I/O device reported an I/O error' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '862769152'" errors, then finally quits.

Is there any way to get it to skip the bad parts of the track? I honestly don't care if it loses a few seconds of video, or even a couple of minutes. I can still watch 95% (or more) of the episode... But after it quits trying to read, it deletes the A1_t00.mkv file that it was writing, so I can't even watch the parts that it is capable of reading...

Sorry if this has been answered before -- I searched for things like "skip errors in tracks" and "keep tracks with errors" but couldn't find what I was looking for... I appreciate any help you can give.

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Re: Keep a track despite errors...

Post by Woodstock »

An issue is that the error you report could be that the device has exceeded it's power available, and shut down... And fixing that would fix the shutdown.
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Re: Keep a track despite errors...

Post by Laurence5905 »

No, that's definitely not it. If I tick all 6 tracks on the disc, it reads the other 5 after it quits trying to read the first one. It's definitely an issue with the disc -- that track is bad. I just want to keep the parts of the track that it can read. Heck, even if I wind up with two separate files -- a part before the error and a part after -- I can combine those two into a single file.
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Re: Keep a track despite errors...

Post by dcoke22 »

Unfortunately that's not how MakeMKV works. Today you either get a clean copy of a title from a disc or you get nothing.

People ask for a third choice fairly regularly. The program's author has even spoken about how such a feature might be implemented:

I have no idea when such a feature might show up. Or even if it will ever be implemented.

It has been a few years since I dealt with my Miami Vice DVDs. I seem to recall having trouble with some of the discs.
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Re: Keep a track despite errors...

Post by Kvothe »

So if you're dealing with a DVD (as opposed to a blu ray) you can just get everything except for the chapter that contains the error by using manual mode! :)

I hope I remember it correctly, (I misremembered, let me fix my description) but first you open the dvd normally, to check the information for the chapters that make up the title you're interested in. Once you've noted this down, you eject the disc and load it again, but this time you tick the box for "open in manual mode" (or similar). Then it asks you for the selection string. Here you can input

Code: Select all

where the list of chapters is all chapters you saw in the previous step, but all of them separated by semicolons. (Either do it manually, or ask chatgpt to do it for you; I personally use vim/shell script)
Then it will open all the chapters as separate titles, and fail to open the chapters that contain errors. Either just proceed (results in every chapter as a separate file), or open it again in manual mode, but this time leave out the failing chapter(s), and specify

Code: Select all

where you either use commas or dashes between the chapters to open all of them in one title, resulting in one file with everything except for the erroneous chapter(s). If you use a semicolon where you skip chapters, it will split it into separate files every time there's a chapter missing, then you'll know during playback that you just skipped a chapter, and might be missing some information.

The manual mode is explained here:

I haven't read this thread, but it might provide additional information: viewtopic.php?t=21962
There may well be other threads in the forum as well, I didn't really check.

Let me know if this works for you or if you face any problems! I'd be happy to help further :)

Examples for selection strings:
Step 1 - open the title with all its chapters separately:

Code: Select all

This fails for chapters 4 and 11, because there are errors.
Step 2 (Option A) - open all good areas as one title:

Code: Select all

Alternatively, this would work exactly the same:

Code: Select all

Step 2 (Option B) - open all good areas as split chunks where stuff is missing:

Code: Select all

Alternative syntax:

Code: Select all

5:1-3 5:5-6,10 5:12-13
(instead of a semicolon, you can use a space to generate a split, but then you need to specify the title number again after each space character)
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