HD-DVD Subtitles?

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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by IceZeroNine »

Hey guys, I got the exact same problem as the OP.

I'm using MakeMKV 1.6.12 Beta and am trying to rip some of my HD-DVDs to back them up. I can't get the subtitles to work on the players that I use like VLC, Mpc-HC. The players list the subtitle tracks, but when I enable and select them, they don't show up on the screen in the player.

According to MediaInfo they are Vobsub files like Cozzmo posted in his MediaInfo post.

If MakeMKV can't do it, how exactly do you make them work? I have no idea what to use or how you do it, been trying to find info in other forums but I can't seem to figure it out.
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by SamuriHL »

They're extended vobsub. At the moment there's no player that supports them in an mkv file. That will change soon as j river mc16 will add support probably this week. Tmtt may also get support in the future. Otherwise you can convert them to another format such as pgs.
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by IceZeroNine »

SamuriHL wrote:They're extended vobsub. At the moment there's no player that supports them in an mkv file. That will change soon as j river mc16 will add support probably this week. Tmtt may also get support in the future. Otherwise you can convert them to another format such as pgs.
Thanks a lot for the reply. Never heard of the J River MC16. What is it? Some kind of Media Player?

How do you convert them to pgs? Got a link, or can you explain what programs to use? If it's too off topic, maybe you can send me a PM instead, otherwise just post in the thread if it's allowed. Thanks.
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by SamuriHL »

IceZeroNine wrote: Thanks a lot for the reply. Never heard of the J River MC16. What is it? Some kind of Media Player?
Yes, MC16 is a very nice media player. It's what I use to play all my MKV backups. They're in the process of building their own subtitle renderer right now. They have a feature called Red October that basically downloads and configures all the necessary DShow filters. You get madVR for a renderer, LAV Splitter, LAV Audio, ffdshow video decoder (or LAV CUVID if you have an nVidia card) all auto-configured and installed for you. It includes a nice library feature so you can just pick what MKV you want to play. LAV Audio has full bitstreaming capability for every audio format that can be bitstreamed. It's really nice, but, not free.
How do you convert them to pgs? Got a link, or can you explain what programs to use? If it's too off topic, maybe you can send me a PM instead, otherwise just post in the thread if it's allowed. Thanks.

Check out that utility. It should help you convert them to a more playable format. This tool doesn't convert it to PGS, but, it'll take the extended vobsub and convert it to dvd vobsub so it should play in just about every player you can find. You can use mkvtoolnix:


to extract the subs, run them through BDSup2Sub, and then add them back in with mkvmerge.
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by IceZeroNine »

SamuriHL wrote:Yes, MC16 is a very nice media player. It's what I use to play all my MKV backups. They're in the process of building their own subtitle renderer right now. They have a feature called Red October that basically downloads and configures all the necessary DShow filters. You get madVR for a renderer, LAV Splitter, LAV Audio, ffdshow video decoder (or LAV CUVID if you have an nVidia card) all auto-configured and installed for you. It includes a nice library feature so you can just pick what MKV you want to play. LAV Audio has full bitstreaming capability for every audio format that can be bitstreamed. It's really nice, but, not free.


Check out that utility. It should help you convert them to a more playable format. This tool doesn't convert it to PGS, but, it'll take the extended vobsub and convert it to dvd vobsub so it should play in just about every player you can find. You can use mkvtoolnix:


to extract the subs, run them through BDSup2Sub, and then add them back in with mkvmerge.
OK, so I used MKVextractGUI with MKVToolnix to extract the subs from the .Mkv file that MakeMKV made. It made .idx and .sub files, I then got BDSup2Sub and tried to load one of the extracted .sub files and BDSup2Sub just comes up with an error saying "Invalid Control Buffer Size"

Have I done something wrong?
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by SamuriHL »

Hmmm, not sure. In searching for that error it seems to suggest the sub is corrupted somehow. You could try extracting the sub directly from the HD DVD fro the EVO files and converting it that way. Then just use MKVMerge to replace the extended vobsub with the newly converted one. Also I was wrong, BDSup2Sub does export PGS if you want.
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by IceZeroNine »

SamuriHL wrote:Hmmm, not sure. In searching for that error it seems to suggest the sub is corrupted somehow. You could try extracting the sub directly from the HD DVD fro the EVO files and converting it that way. Then just use MKVMerge to replace the extended vobsub with the newly converted one. Also I was wrong, BDSup2Sub does export PGS if you want.
How do you extract the sub directly from the HD-DVD EVO file?

I've actually tried the subs from two different movies and BDSup2Sub gives the same error. Is it possible that MakeMKV is corrupting the subs?
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by SamuriHL »

IceZeroNine wrote: How do you extract the sub directly from the HD-DVD EVO file?
I've actually tried the subs from two different movies and BDSup2Sub gives the same error. Is it possible that MakeMKV is corrupting the subs?
It's possible. No one's ever been able to play them natively from an MKV so it's never been tested. :D Soon, however, we'll know for sure.
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by IceZeroNine »

SamuriHL wrote:
IceZeroNine wrote: How do you extract the sub directly from the HD-DVD EVO file?
I'm kinda lost now, don't know how to use the evodemux program as I only just started doing this encoding stuff about a week ago. It's getting confusing.

Can you please give me a step by step guide on how to extract the subs with evodemux straight from the HD-DVD itself?
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by SamuriHL »

UGH. I don't really have time at the moment to do a step by step guide. Maybe someone can jump in here and help them out?
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by IceZeroNine »

SamuriHL wrote:UGH. I don't really have time at the moment to do a step by step guide. Maybe someone can jump in here and help them out?
No problem if you are too busy. Do you have a link to a different forum or somewhere I can go ask this stuff?

If anyone else can help though, please do.
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by setarip_old »



The following is a January 2011 post from member "Justin Chase" regarding Blu-ray PGS subtitles. You may want to try his methodology on your HD-DVDs and see if it works with them as well (The big "IF" is whether "MKVExtract" accepts them as input):

General MakeMKV sub-forum

JustinChase Post subject: Re: Converting Blu-ray PGS subtitlesPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:36 pm

Joined: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:19 am
Posts: 9 hehe, whoops, looks like I forgot one step. I extracted the .sup files with MKVExtract, *then* I opened the .sup files in BDSup2Sub and converted them to .sub files, and it also created a .idx file for each stream. The newest MKVMerge will accept these .sub (actually the .idx) files and mux them right into the MKV for me.

Sorry, that's a big step. It doesn't take any time though. I used it to pull out forced subs only from Defiance, which worked fine, but is the only disc I have with the forced subs, so I couldn't test on anything else.

so a recap, MKVExtract to get the sup files, BDSuptoSub to convert them, MKVMerge to add them into the file, you must move them up in the order to get them before the sup files and they will all show up in my player; the sup files won't play, but everything else works fine.

Sorry for the confusion

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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by SamuriHL »


See the step about using EVODEMUX. Select the subtitles and use the demux button, not the rebuild. That should extract the subs from the EVO's and then you can use BDSup2Sub to convert it. Then MKVMerge to merge them back into the MKV. Good luck!
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by IceZeroNine »

SamuriHL wrote:http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=11241

See the step about using EVODEMUX. Select the subtitles and use the demux button, not the rebuild. That should extract the subs from the EVO's and then you can use BDSup2Sub to convert it. Then MKVMerge to merge them back into the MKV. Good luck!
Thanks a lot SamuriHL. I tried it that way and got the sup file from the HD-DVD, I then ran that through BDSup2Sub and converted the .sup to .idx and .sub files, then used MKVmerge to mux them together with the encoded video from Handbrake, and the subs now display in MPC-Home Cinema and also VLC. Is the method I used correct? Also, just curious, which subtitle format has the most compatibility between media players these days?

I also wanted to ask ask a quick question about HD-DVD audio. For those of you that have backed up your HD-DVDs, did you use the original DD+ audio or AC3 pass through? The Mkv file I made with MakeMKV has the original audio, so I added the MakeMKV file in MKVmerge, and just muxed the DD+ audio from the MakeMKV file with the encoded video file from Handbrake and it seems to work. Is this the correct way of doing it? Will I have any sync problems doing it this way? It seems to be OK for the one movie I tried.
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Re: HD-DVD Subtitles?

Post by SamuriHL »

That should work just fine. I keep all the original streams and use mc16 to play them. Full bitstreaming and evob sub support. But what you're doing will serve you well.
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