which file

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which file

Post by stevenm56 »

I've been using MakeMKV, "registered," for about a year and I'm probably going to get yelled at. However, I usually just rip one file, "the movie," and not all of the other files. I'm doing one now that has three 37.5gb files, is there a way to tell which one is the actual movie? TIA
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Re: which file

Post by dcoke22 »

It depends on the disc. If it is a Disney or Pixar disc, then it is probably 00800.mpls. These discs often have 3 versions in North America, one in English, one in French and one in Spanish.

If one title doesn't have any chapters, that's probably not the one you want. Additionally, if one has a bazillion chapters, you probably don't want that one either.

It is situations like this that are why lots of people make a decrypted backup first, sort out which title is which, and then make a .mkv from the backup.

The MakeMKV FAQ has an entry on this topic that's worth checking out.
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Re: which file

Post by Radiocomms237 »

Not that I'm being nosy or anything but, if you let is know the name of the title in question then there's a good chance someone will have already done the hard work for you?! 8)
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Re: which file

Post by DPest »

Darn, I should have been doing it that way all along! Going to try out that process this weekend as I continue ripping all of my wife's background shows so I can cancel some of our subscription services!
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