Lossy conversion of subtitles

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Lossy conversion of subtitles

Post by tylergfoster »

MakeMKV does this automatically with CC tracks, which is nice when the disc has no actual subtitles and just a CC track. Is there any thought to making lossy conversion an option for the subtitle tracks? It would be nice to have DVD subs redone as the nice Blu-ray-quality subs when ripping from a DVD.

Also, is there any thought to the possibility of MakeMKV outputting .srt files? I have two different Blu-rays of a movie that are slightly different edits. One has great subtitles, the other one has terrible subtitles, and I was thinking about trying to use MakeMKV to get the subtitles off of the new disc and fix them for the old disc/alternate edit.
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Re: Lossy conversion of subtitles

Post by Woodstock »

There's no "lossy" about the conversion of CC's to SRT, since the CC is a text file, embedded in the video track.

Converting the graphic subtitles on DVD or BD to SRT or SSA involves optical character recognition, which is not something that happens without the computer doing quite a bit of guessing. There are tools available to do that, but incorporating them in to MakeMKV would slow it down.
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Joined: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:51 pm

Re: Lossy conversion of subtitles

Post by tylergfoster »

Ah, I understand. I only say "lossy conversion" because that's what the program says when there is a CC track on the disc: "CC Text > English (lossy conversion)"
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