Bluray with 2 titles to 1 MKV

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Bluray with 2 titles to 1 MKV

Post by apdso9 »

Hi Mates ;)
I rip always the English and German Soundchannels to my MKV's.
Now I have a Problem with one specific Bluray.
It have one Title with English Soundchannels (German is only 2.0 channel) and one title with german soundchannels (English is only 2.0 channel)
Is it possible to make already in MakeMKV settings to create 1 MKV-File with the good Soundchannels from both MKV's?
Or should I remux it?
I already tried it to remux with MKVtoolnix. But here I get an Errormessage that Title 3 (Soundchannel) already exists.
Editing the Header in MakeMKV creates an DTS-Channel Error. "DTS Header corrupted" or something like that..
I hope you have a solution for such a problematic case.
Yesterday I bought Make MKV for 60 bugs (Euros) I like this tool but today I am a little bit nervous because of this Blueray.
Sorry for my bad English :)
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