Search found 2 matches

by mrhyde1969
Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:06 am
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: examining subtitles b4 ripping
Replies: 2
Views: 6567

examining subtitles b4 ripping


I was wondering if there is a way to examin the contents of each subtitle within a bluray before ripping with MAKEMKV? I am asking this because all I want to rip are the English 'Forced' subtitles.. Sorry if this has been asked before( I am sure it must have somewhere), but I cant find it.
by mrhyde1969
Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:53 am
Forum: MKV file processing and playback
Topic: Merging 2 disc movies
Replies: 9
Views: 26530

Re: Merging 2 disc movies

Hi, could you explain how to adjust chapter number please :D