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by Whzifs9YwTxu
Fri Oct 27, 2023 7:56 pm
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: The Mandalorian DVD - Lots of FAKE CELLS - Cannot Extract Episodes
Replies: 2
Views: 6904

Re: The Mandalorian DVD - Lots of FAKE CELLS - Cannot Extract Episodes

These DVD's are from the Crowley Public Library. It look like you are right as researching shows DVD release date for these DVDs is in December 2023. The cover of the Season One DVD shows "2020 DVD Release" !!! Both covers have blurred writing on the back. I will let the library know that ...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:05 pm
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: The Mandalorian DVD - Lots of FAKE CELLS - Cannot Extract Episodes
Replies: 2
Views: 6904

The Mandalorian DVD - Lots of FAKE CELLS - Cannot Extract Episodes

Both Season One and Season Two of "The Mandalorian" DVD's cannot have their 4 episodes extracted on each DVD using the latest MAKEMKV. MAKEMKV is only seeing one episode on DISC01 and not the four episodes that are actually on the DVD Here are the Debug LOGS: MAKEMKV Rip of S1 D1: MakeMKV ...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:29 pm
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: MakeMKV has audio sync problems with Sony RDR-VXD655
Replies: 5
Views: 14053

Re: MakeMKV has audio sync problems with Sony RDR-VXD655

Yes, thanks. From a first look it seems that your recorder skips video frames. As a result video frame rate is invalid (there are gaps between video frames). When MakeMKV puts this stream into MKV file it removes these gaps, the video becomes "shorter" and you should see audio going ahead...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:01 pm
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: MakeMKV has audio sync problems with Sony RDR-VXD655
Replies: 5
Views: 14053

Re: MakeMKV has audio sync problems with Sony RDR-VXD655

Hi Mike,

Just checking to see if you received (via Google Drive) the *TESTDUMP* file?
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:15 am
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: MakeMKV has audio sync problems with Sony RDR-VXD655
Replies: 5
Views: 14053

Re: MakeMKV has audio sync problems with Sony RDR-VXD655

Firstly, please enable "expert mode" in preferences and then enable "show AV sync issues" on advanced tab. See if converting the DVD to MKV produces and AV messages at all. Yes, errors were produced. Here is a copy of the Log: MakeMKV v1.8.3 win(x86-release) started Using direct...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:14 pm
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: MakeMKV has audio sync problems with Sony RDR-VXD655
Replies: 5
Views: 14053

MakeMKV has audio sync problems with Sony RDR-VXD655

We are in the process in converting our 8mm tapes to DVDs using the Sony RDR-VXD655 DVD recorder. These 8mm tapes are 2 hours long and are recorded to the DVD in SP mode which produces a DVD of 4.01 GB in size. The DVDs are then finalized. These DVD's produced by the Sony RDR-VXD655 play fine on the...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:58 pm
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted
Replies: 11
Views: 20658

Re: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted

The Episodes that have a commentary track are not merged into a single MKV file with both the primary audio track and the commentary track as expected. What is produced are two different MKV files where both have the same video track but one contains the primary audio track and the other contains t...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:51 am
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted
Replies: 11
Views: 20658

Re: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted

Right now I have no idea if any of the software programmers are even aware of this problem. This is a bug in MakeMKV. You are right, the skipped "title 7" is a copy of episode 3 , and the only episode with a commentary track. The bug in duplication logic will be fixed in the next version....
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:32 pm
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: Recommended Program to Transcode MKV's produced by MakeMKV
Replies: 3
Views: 8878

Recommended Program to Transcode MKV's produced by MakeMKV

I am in the process of using MakeMKV to rip all of my DVD's to my Raid5 4.2tb eSATA drive system. I really like MakeMKV as it allows me to retain the Director's commentary and the chapter marks. The only problem is even though I have the 4.2tb I have already used up 3.5tb of it. The reason is that t...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:58 pm
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: Beta Activation Key has EXPIRED!!!
Replies: 2
Views: 7918

Beta Activation Key has EXPIRED!!!

As of today Dec 31, 2011 the MakeMKV v1.7.0 program has rejected the current beta key from

A New Beta Key needs to be generated.

by Whzifs9YwTxu
Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:07 am
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: MakeMKV Beta 1.6.16 is 21 months OLD!!!
Replies: 7
Views: 13227

Re: MakeMKV Beta 1.6.16 is 21 months OLD!!!

Shows the March 4, 2010 date as the release. It shows no such thing. It merely shows when the post was created. When a new version is released the post gets edited and updated. This does not change the date of the post. With only one static date for the single post of only latest version confusion ...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:43 am
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: MakeMKV Beta 1.6.16 is 21 months OLD!!!
Replies: 7
Views: 13227

MakeMKV Beta 1.6.16 is 21 months OLD!!! Shows the March 4, 2010 date as the release. Has there really been no updates since 1 year 9 months ago? The revision history does not show any dates associated with the program versions. Is MakeM...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:42 am
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted
Replies: 11
Views: 20658

Re: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted

Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just telling you what I've learned from experience. I've never been contacted by support unless they have needed more information. Personally I'd rather they spent their time working on the software than sending out thank you emails. Where did I ask for a thank you? F...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:45 am
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted
Replies: 11
Views: 20658

Re: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted

I have submitted this to on Dec 7th but have received no response as to if it was received. You won't receive a response unless the developer needs more information from you in order to fix the issue. Well a response that the files were received and that they were looking into t...
by Whzifs9YwTxu
Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:04 am
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted
Replies: 11
Views: 20658

Re: Fringe (All Seasons) no commentary audio extracted

The attached zip file includes the *.IFO's and the debug log file as per the FAQ #8 instructions The episode titled "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide" is the one with the Commentary track. I have saved the entire DVD in case you need any further files from it to...