Ahh, thank you. I searched but didn't find that for some reason!
Seems like maybe not a great host to use then!
Search found 2 matches
- Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:48 pm
- Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
- Topic: hkdata.crabdance.com flagged as unsafe...
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4168
- Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:47 pm
- Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
- Topic: hkdata.crabdance.com flagged as unsafe...
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4168
hkdata.crabdance.com flagged as unsafe...
Hi all, I just put a blu ray into my drive to rip it with MakeMKV and Bitdefender flagged up that it had blocked access to hkdata.crabdance.com because it was unsafe?! Their trafficlight site flags up all sorts of ropey things about the URL! https://trafficlight.bitdefender.com/info/?url=http%3A%2F%...