Search found 2 matches

by SystemX80
Sat Aug 05, 2023 7:55 am
Forum: UHD drives
Topic: Hitachi BU40N or Hitachi BH16NS55 (CZ)
Replies: 4
Views: 2021

Re: Hitachi BU40N or Hitachi BH16NS55 (CZ)

Thanks for your reply. Yes I read through the Ultimate Guide and Recommended FW post, that's amazing, (Thank you Billy!) From reading thru the forum I get the feeling the BU40N is the one to go for. May I please ask, Billy's Recommended UHD list, the BU40N is 'Official' and the BH16NS55 is 'Friendly...
by SystemX80
Fri Aug 04, 2023 1:23 pm
Forum: UHD drives
Topic: Hitachi BU40N or Hitachi BH16NS55 (CZ)
Replies: 4
Views: 2021

Hitachi BU40N or Hitachi BH16NS55 (CZ)

Hello Everyone, The Pioneer BDR-209EBK in my PC partly died, it reads/plays CD but not DVD. So I was looking for a replacement and came across this forum, which is an absolute goldmine of helpful advice and information! I only occasionally use the drive to play or copy disks to my Plex Media Server,...