Search found 4 matches

by gucurich
Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:44 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Linux
Topic: Repeatedly Crashing
Replies: 4
Views: 6128

Re: Repeatedly Crashing

I can confirm changing system time works perfectly.

by gucurich
Wed May 31, 2023 4:14 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Linux
Topic: Repeatedly Crashing
Replies: 4
Views: 6128

Repeatedly Crashing


Makemkv keeps saying fatal error - enter new licence key then crashing. I have tried removing and reinstalling without any change. Any ideas please?


by gucurich
Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:35 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Linux
Topic: Blurred multiple colour playback
Replies: 3
Views: 3621

Re: Blurred multiple colour playback


Totally right. It was environment. Moved the file to a different computer and it played fine. Just working out why it isn't running on this one.


by gucurich
Tue Feb 14, 2023 6:37 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Linux
Topic: Blurred multiple colour playback
Replies: 3
Views: 3621

Blurred multiple colour playback

I have been using MakeMKV for a number of years and have never had a problem with this. I ran the programme and extract the mkv but when I play I get a rainbow effect and the file is corrupt.
Any ideas please?