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- Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:35 am
- Forum: DVD discs
- Topic: DVD with very different audio and video track length
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3535
Re: DVD with very different audio and video track length
So, I have a workaround, but it is very kludgy! First I extract with ffmpeg the single frames: ffmpeg -i Fleetwood\ Mac\ DVD\ \(copy\)/title_t00.mkv out-%03d.png Then I create a move from the frames, placing the frames according to where the chapter breaks are: ffmpeg -i concat_file.txt test.mp4 (Wh...
- Tue Aug 31, 2021 7:43 pm
- Forum: DVD discs
- Topic: DVD with very different audio and video track length
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3535
DVD with very different audio and video track length
Dear All, I am using MakeMKV to wrap the bonus disc of Fleewood Mac's Deluxe edtion. The Disc contains 5.1 remixes of the tracks in the album. While the music is playing, the tracklist is shown as video, with the current track highlighted. According to what I see, the DVD achieves this by having a v...