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by magnetoeric
Sun May 26, 2024 7:19 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

I finally purchased Ugoos device after reading all the feedback from this thread. The picture in dolby vision movies was much brighter than my shield pro. Looks like it's well worth the puchase 8)
by magnetoeric
Wed Jul 20, 2022 5:15 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Thank you so much Reset for these findings. I was so close to purchasing x800m2 after going through your excel file sheet about all the players and its capabilities. I even had it in my cart :lol: But I guess I should be satisified with my shield pro and lg cx.
by magnetoeric
Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:44 am
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Great to hear that x700 plays DV from the bd structure :D I had S6700 which also supported bd structure, but the screen used to freeze for few seconds while forwarding/rewinding. Does this mean it's better to go for sony? Unfortunately i can't purchase ugoos or minix at my place. I just tried the t...
by magnetoeric
Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:18 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Great to hear that x700 plays DV from the bd structure :D I had S6700 which also supported bd structure, but the screen used to freeze for few seconds while forwarding/rewinding. Does this mean it's better to go for sony? Unfortunately i can't purchase ugoos or minix at my place.
by magnetoeric
Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:04 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Ah yeah I saw your signature :D What is you audio setup? Dolby atmos? Is the x700 able to output dolby atmos to the receiver while playing m2ts dolby vision files? yep, the x700 can output any lossless audio format + Dolby Vision FEL. Subtitles also work. Cinavia free as well Is it really cinavia f...
by magnetoeric
Wed Jan 20, 2021 3:48 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Thank you agneva for the tests. But I asked specifically for FEL vs FEL-to-MEL converted titles. But after reading the above discussion, I guess there won't be much difference between plain HDR and MEL titles. It's such a shame that I need to get another external device to enjoy DV even after having...
by magnetoeric
Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:03 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Could someone please do a comparison video of FEL from any blu ray player with FEL to MEL converted file played through the internal player of CX (or through native plex app)? Or if it's already done, would be grateful if they link it. Thanks in advance :)
by magnetoeric
Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:56 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

The Ryan DV DL 07.06.mp4 did trigger DV in PLEX for my TCL tv. Looked Great. So did the mkv HDR10 file. The Ryan DV SL 05.06.mp4 did trigger DV but the scene was almost all dark. HDR10 should look right, the sky is very smooth SL 05.06 should look wrong, too dark and the light sky is pumping. DL 07...
by magnetoeric
Sun Jan 10, 2021 3:28 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Does UBK90 also support DTDL and lossless audio in m2ts? m2ts/ts will be played in HDR10 + lossless audio. DT = DV ? DT - Dual track. Profile 7 from UHD disks have one track with base layer and another track with enhanced layer. I actually thought of asking whether it supports m2ts playback from US...
by magnetoeric
Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:41 am
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

With the new Firmware CX9 plays DV DL mp4. Tested with James Ryan. I think it's a little dark. edit: it is the same as when I create a DV SL from Private Ryan -> it plays only BL+RPU, not the EL. Picture is falsified :x I think that the TV is not able to decode 2x HEVC at the same time. So the purc...
by magnetoeric
Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:25 am
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision and 1.15.1
Replies: 1679
Views: 2633630

Re: Dolby Vision and 1.15.1

Well you have the best player capable of playing DV content without any hassle :wink: But shield is currently the only device capable of playing DV in mkv with lossless audio. So I don't really mind these small issues. Sorry what do you mean? I just told you that: plays Dolby Vision backups wi...
by magnetoeric
Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:21 am
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision and 1.15.1
Replies: 1679
Views: 2633630

Re: Dolby Vision and 1.15.1

I used to use DVDFab but I have now re-ripped most of my DV discs using Makemkv. I couldn't get my 2017 Shield to play DV backups with DV, so I got the Oppo clone. I still can't get my 2019 Shield to play DV stuff but tbh it's no longer worth the hassle for me to try. As much as I hate the Oppo bar...
by magnetoeric
Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:06 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision and 1.15.1
Replies: 1679
Views: 2633630

Re: Dolby Vision and 1.15.1

Playback seems fine on my Nvidia Shield Pro 2019, the only issue being that there's a bug that makes the DV/Atmos trigger of my TV appear and reappear often. Same. This often happens with movies containing truehd track I think. Because I don't remember this happening with DTS-HD MA tracks. I used t...
by magnetoeric
Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:22 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
Replies: 10763
Views: 15429124

Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

If you are on the old FW still on your CX, could you please test the MP4\DTDL_021120 files that you can find at the bottom of this post using the internal player from USB? As I remember these two files did not play f...
by magnetoeric
Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:29 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Dolby Vision and 1.15.1
Replies: 1679
Views: 2633630

Re: Dolby Vision and 1.15.1

JavierAlbadalejo wrote:
Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:19 am
Playback seems fine on my Nvidia Shield Pro 2019, the only issue being that there's a bug that makes the DV/Atmos trigger of my TV appear and reappear often.
Same. This often happens with movies containing truehd track I think. Because I don't remember this happening with DTS-HD MA tracks.