Search found 1 match
- Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:50 am
- Forum: UHD drives
- Topic: Is there a way to downgrade the firmware on a Buffalo BRUHD-PU3 from BU11 to BU10?
- Replies: 52
- Views: 119533
Re: BRXL-PT6U2VB is UDH-friendly NOW
Hello, just wanted to report back that my Buffalo BRXL-PT6U2VB is a UHD-friendly device now: 1. Crossflashing worked like a charm with this MK firmware crossflash2-FINISH.PNG 2. Device shows up as LibreDrive compatible: makemkv4.PNG 3. and CAN FINALLY READ UHD -blurays: makemkv3.PNG @mike admin Jus...