Search found 2 matches

by yetihunter2000
Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:53 pm
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: Can't rip "The Incredible Hulk" DVD
Replies: 2
Views: 6129

Re: Can't rip "The Incredible Hulk" DVD

I cleaned the DVD several times. But no success. It is a little bit scatched, but not too much I guess. I cannot play this DVD on my computer. VLC and mpv failed. The only program that worked is the good old mplayer if I directly select the main title. Her the output: mplayer dvd://3 MPlayer 1.2.r38...
by yetihunter2000
Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:56 pm
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: Can't rip "The Incredible Hulk" DVD
Replies: 2
Views: 6129

Can't rip "The Incredible Hulk" DVD

Can't rip this dvd with makemkv. I've attached the log. While opening this DVD the progress bar stalls. I waited half an hour but nothing else happens. The same DVD plays fine with my DVD player.