Search found 4 matches
- Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:15 pm
- Forum: UHD discs
- Topic: Indiana Jones
- Replies: 49
- Views: 60613
Re: Indiana Jones
While we wait, I noticed this was first big set that had 4k and digital but NOT a blu-ray disc (steelbook but looks like the regular 4k is '4k only' too). I am not excited in this trend! or is this old news?
- Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:17 pm
- Forum: UHD discs
- Topic: Indiana Jones
- Replies: 49
- Views: 60613
- Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:46 pm
- Forum: UHD discs
- Topic: Star Wars 4Ks
- Replies: 195
- Views: 848059
Re: Star Wars 4Ks
AotC is decrypted now! Had to have been updated in the last 4 hours or so
Thanks again!

- Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:15 pm
- Forum: UHD discs
- Topic: Star Wars 4Ks
- Replies: 195
- Views: 848059
Re: Star Wars 4Ks
Thanks to those that have already gotten encryption going. I was having an issue with Empire, noticed a very small chip on edge of disc. After multiple cleans and attempts came here, found I was on the last version of the app (new one came out in March) installed that and it captured Empire Strikes ...