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by Bluer
Fri Dec 20, 2019 6:33 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: American Made 4k audio not supported
Replies: 7
Views: 10409

Re: American Made 4k audio not supported

It is possible to use the ffmpeg command line program to convert the audio to a different format that the Samsung supports. They have examples of doing that on their page. The other "work around" is to use a home theater amplifier that DOES support DTS, and have the TV route the audio to ...
by Bluer
Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:28 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: American Made 4k audio not supported
Replies: 7
Views: 10409

Re: American Made 4k audio not supported

Thank you Procat.
I will definitely be purchasing the program. It is powerful and yet simple to use.

Sadly, this disc contains only DTS audio. There must be someway around this limitation...
American Made DTS.jpg
American Made DTS.jpg (125.85 KiB) Viewed 10353 times
by Bluer
Fri Dec 20, 2019 1:53 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: American Made 4k audio not supported
Replies: 7
Views: 10409

Re: American Made 4k audio not supported

48Khz is a absolut normal rate. I think DTS itself is the problem, because most of the "Smart" TVs do not support DTS. Please check the TV manual what typs of data is supported. A Blu-ray player converts it to PCM if the TV signals it over the HDMI protokoll. You are correct Grauhaar; I c...
by Bluer
Fri Dec 20, 2019 1:17 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: American Made 4k audio not supported
Replies: 7
Views: 10409

American Made 4k audio not supported

Used MakeMKV Beta to make 4 rips to hard drive of the above movie but Samsung 4k TV reports that (DTS: 7.1, 5.1, 2ch, and all) audio "not supported". I am new but I suspect the 48000 bitrate is the problem.
Could someone please advise me if this can be resolved and how to do so?
by Bluer
Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:31 am
Forum: UHD drives
Topic: NEW OPTION: 'UHD Friendly' Firmware Downgrade / Cross-Flash Using Official (Modified) ASUS Flasher for ASUS & LG Drives
Replies: 949
Views: 1830795

Re: NEW OPTION: 'UHD Friendly' Firmware Downgrade / Cross-Flash Using Official (Modified) ASUS Flasher for ASUS & LG Dri

You can always use the beta key, although it will expire every ~60 days: MakeMKV is free while in beta Thanks for the reminder d00zah :) I am so deeply grateful to all who freely give their time, skills, and generosity to those of us with old eyes that greatly appreciate the new hi-res, and checkin...
by Bluer
Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:12 pm
Forum: UHD drives
Topic: NEW OPTION: 'UHD Friendly' Firmware Downgrade / Cross-Flash Using Official (Modified) ASUS Flasher for ASUS & LG Drives
Replies: 949
Views: 1830795

Re: NEW OPTION: 'UHD Friendly' Firmware Downgrade / Cross-Flash Using Official (Modified) ASUS Flasher for ASUS & LG Dri

Follow-up; I now see the source of my confusion; I was using this guide to learn MakeMKV while waiting for the drive and discs, but had declined the first few times the program asked to begin the evaluation period. So, weeks later, when actually trying to use the program there was no offer to again ...
by Bluer
Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:45 pm
Forum: UHD drives
Topic: NEW OPTION: 'UHD Friendly' Firmware Downgrade / Cross-Flash Using Official (Modified) ASUS Flasher for ASUS & LG Drives
Replies: 949
Views: 1830795

Re: NEW OPTION: 'UHD Friendly' Firmware Downgrade / Cross-Flash Using Official (Modified) ASUS Flasher for ASUS & LG Dri

Can not thank you enough for the great advice and good directions here! Bought the Asus BW-16D1HT, which came with 3.03. Used the FW Flasher to downgrad to 3.02. Drive door opened, closed a few seconds later, spun for a few more seconds and MakeMKV reported as 3.02. Ripped my first movie @30MB/s - M...