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by sstlr
Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:32 am
Forum: MakeMKV for Linux
Topic: Add library linker command line
Replies: 4
Views: 18658

Re: Add library linker command line

Try to add "-lpthread" to CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS or LDFLAGS in Makefile, whichever is used for the final gcc linking command (I don't have the Makefile here right now to check myself).
by sstlr
Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:06 am
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: You should consider a lower price, here is why
Replies: 4
Views: 9311

You should consider a lower price, here is why

First of all: I will probably buy this tool. I just started using and testing it, and it seems to do a good job -- right now, I'm pretty sure it is my ONLY (!) option for playing my legally-bought bluray discs on my linux desktop system, as long as they use MKBv-11 or newer. But, considering the pri...