Search found 2 matches
- Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:18 pm
- Forum: UHD drives
- Topic: Soft bricked 1st gen WH14NS40
- Replies: 23
- Views: 37801
Re: Soft bricked 1st gen WH14NS40
It worked, my drive can now read blurays and dvds again! Turns out my Gigabyte motherboard had Legacy USB support turned off which was preventing the BIOS mode 32-bit windows PE USB drive from starting up. I enabled it in the BIOS by holding down the delete key during system startup, going to classi...
- Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:14 pm
- Forum: UHD drives
- Topic: Soft bricked 1st gen WH14NS40
- Replies: 23
- Views: 37801
Soft bricked 1st gen WH14NS40
Hey everyone, I accidentally flashed a 2nd gen LG WH14NS40 SVC50 firmware with the self update tool and forgot to check if my drive was compatible, and DVDs and Blurays are no longer detected by the drive. Tried flashing an old official firmware with the same tool and got the checksum error. I found...