Search found 4 matches

by cage123au
Sat May 18, 2019 6:18 am
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Bohemian Rhapsody fails to save
Replies: 8
Views: 15266

Re: Bohemian Rhapsody fails to save

st4evr wrote:
Sat May 18, 2019 4:31 am

In your post you are using the “ripping” term somewhat incorrectly.
Point taken.

In the end it seems like a lot of things computer related, sometimes they work, sometimes not. Appreciate the reply.
by cage123au
Fri May 17, 2019 10:00 pm
Forum: UHD discs
Topic: Bohemian Rhapsody fails to save
Replies: 8
Views: 15266

Re: Bohemian Rhapsody fails to save

Bottom line to this Bohemian Rhapsody UHD is I finally ended up getting it ripped. BUT......I do not understand how it happened. Maybe someone could shed some light on it for me in case it happens again. I really just don't like not knowing. The disc was purchased in Melbourne Australia, I attempted...
by cage123au
Tue May 14, 2019 12:32 am
Forum: Drives for sale, Flashing Services, where to buy...
Topic: UHD Enabled Drives (Australia, NZ & Singapore among others!) & DIY "Single Drive Flasher UI" available worldwide!!
Replies: 521
Views: 1433174

Re: UHD Friendly & Official drives for sale & flashing service (currently Australia & NZ only)

Thanks, received email.

Any persons considering using this facility should have no concerns at all. Arranged payment, drive arrived a few days later, had a weekend stuck in there, so had to be patient. Fired drive up, worked like a charm on my iMac.

Great service, highly recommended.
by cage123au
Thu May 09, 2019 1:54 am
Forum: Drives for sale, Flashing Services, where to buy...
Topic: UHD Enabled Drives (Australia, NZ & Singapore among others!) & DIY "Single Drive Flasher UI" available worldwide!!
Replies: 521
Views: 1433174

Re: UHD Friendly & Official drives for sale & flashing service (currently Australia & NZ only)

Hi Marty, live in Melbourne. Looking for an external drive that will be compatible with iMac and rip my fast accumulating library of 4k UHD disks. Are you able to assist. Thanks

Not sure if I was to post here or PM you.