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by T'hain Esh Kelch
Tue Nov 12, 2024 5:35 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Mac OS X
Topic: [Crash] Fatal error with MakeMKV 1.17.8 on OS X10.13.6
Replies: 0
Views: 543

[Crash] Fatal error with MakeMKV 1.17.8 on OS X10.13.6

MakeMKV was trying to read an apparently troublesome Blu-Ray. Crashed an told me it encountered a fatal error. OS X 10.13.6 on a 2011 iMac, running an LG BP55EB40. Process: makemkvcon [594] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: makemkvcon Version: ??? Code Type: X86-6...
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:31 pm
Forum: LibreDrive drives
Topic: Drive used to work, now just spits out discs (macOS)
Replies: 5
Views: 10244

Re: Drive used to work, now just spits out discs (macOS)

I started having the same issue under macOS. My 10 year old Blu-ray no-name drive started spitting out discs because it couldn't read them. Usually I could just keep pushing the discs back in, and after more and more tries, macOS would finally recognize it and I could rip the disc without issue. The...
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Sun Oct 30, 2022 6:14 am
Forum: Blu-ray discs
Topic: New Blu-ray discs often required being used once before being readable
Replies: 3
Views: 3529

Re: New Blu-ray discs often required being used once before being readable

Thanks, that is good to know and fits with my hypothesis. Sounds like I should consider getting something just mildly modern!
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:22 am
Forum: Blu-ray discs
Topic: New Blu-ray discs often required being used once before being readable
Replies: 3
Views: 3529

New Blu-ray discs often required being used once before being readable

Hi, I've ripped quite a few Blu-rays using MakeMKV, and I've come to notice a trend. If the disc is brand new, in 50-75% of the cases I have trouble getting macOS, or the drive, to recognize the disc. My drive will try and read it for ~20 seconds, before spitting it out again. I then play a game of ...
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:13 pm
Forum: Blu-ray discs
Topic: Use MakeMKV new integration with VLC to get correct playlist/segment list
Replies: 14
Views: 46236

Re: Use MakeMKV new integration with VLC to get correct playlist/segment list

Did anyone ever find out a solution here? I am currently ripping Soul, from Disney/Pixar, and it has 5 tracks that are exactly the same size and length, and thus only differs in the Title and end credits, which correlates with differences in the segment maps. So VLC is of no help to me to find the c...
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Sat May 15, 2021 6:04 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Mac OS X
Topic: Thank you for continuing to support older versions of OS X
Replies: 2
Views: 7038

Re: Thank you for continuing to support older versions of OS X

I concur. I am still running a 10 year old iMac, and it is wonderfull to have such an important piece of software still available for a machine that is still good at crunching numbers!
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Sat May 15, 2021 6:02 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Mac OS X
Topic: Free space issue
Replies: 4
Views: 7995

Re: Free space issue

I've also had MakeMKV report what free space I have available on macOS wrong, for several years. Is it a clash between how the OS reports free space and what MakeMKV expects on other platforms (kibibytes vs kilobytes)?
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:19 am
Forum: MakeMKV for Mac OS X
Topic: MKV doesn't work with Catalina?
Replies: 8
Views: 31619

Re: MKV doesn't work with Catalina?

A quicker way, after you've copied the binary to the Applications folder, is just to right-click on the MakeMKV binary and select 'Open'. The system will then ask if you want to override the system settings, and start it. It is quicker than going to the Systems Preferences. You can then open it as n...
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:33 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Mac OS X
Topic: OSStatus = 99999 error
Replies: 3
Views: 17997

Re: OSStatus = 99999 error

You are indeed correct Woodstock, as turning off Gatekeeper fixed the issue temporarily. I have to look more into it. Edit: For anyone with similar issues, open your Terminal and type in the following and press enter: sudo spctl --master-disable Then type in your password when the Terminal asks for ...
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Sat Jul 25, 2020 7:00 am
Forum: MakeMKV for Mac OS X
Topic: OSStatus = 99999 error
Replies: 3
Views: 17997

Re: OSStatus = 99999 error

Did you ever find a solution for this problem? I get it after installing v1.15.2 on High Sierra.
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:27 pm
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: Spreadsheet for Disney\Pixar short titles (English)
Replies: 2
Views: 17851

Re: Spreadsheet for Disney\Pixar short titles (English)

You can also find that information on Wikipedia for both Pixar and Disney short films..
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:24 pm
Forum: MKV file processing and playback
Topic: Re-ordering DVD TV Shows
Replies: 1
Views: 8162

Re: Re-ordering DVD TV Shows

I usually just jump to the same place in the episodes during the intro theme, and see who wrote that particular episode and cross reference with Wikipedia. Won't work for all shows, but it has worked for me so far.
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:12 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Mac OS X
Topic: Experienced Mac MakeMKV users - Please Help
Replies: 5
Views: 26647

Re: Experienced Mac MakeMKV users - Please Help

Plex is a bit hit and miss at the moment with regards to HDR, and you'll have a hard time finding out what their plans are in that area, as the developers are hard to juggle. Their software is also pretty buggy (I've been a Plex user for 8 years). Take a look at Infuse instead, as the developer is e...
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:27 am
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: Beta key
Replies: 14
Views: 160197

Re: Beta key

koberulz wrote:
Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:22 am
Why do you need a beta key to rip DVDs if that's supposed to be free functionality?
It is not. The application will be pay-to-use once it goes out of beta.
by T'hain Esh Kelch
Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:15 pm
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: Temporary key has expired - should be good to the end of the month
Replies: 5
Views: 14534

Re: Temporary key has expired - should be good to the end of the month

Woodstock wrote:
Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:15 am
Forum search, "beta expired". About 150,000,000,000 messages will pop up with work-arounds.

And this IS the end of the July. It's not an exact date.
Fixed that for you!