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by oleg72
Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:33 am
Forum: MakeMKV for Linux
Topic: Shared bluray disk
Replies: 4
Views: 14821

Re: Shared bluray disk (SOLVED)

Thanks again, Woodstock, thank you very much. However, I found another way of sharing bluray drive across network. It IS working at least on ubuntu 16.04. It works in such a way that the client htpc treats the shared bluray drive as a local optical drive. Makemkv then sees that drive and uses 'direc...
by oleg72
Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:24 am
Forum: MakeMKV for Linux
Topic: Shared bluray disk
Replies: 4
Views: 14821

Re: Shared bluray disk

Thank you, Woodstock, for your reply. Somewhere on this forum mike admin said: Well, it means that your keyfile still missing the VUK for this particular disc. In this case MakeMKV requires "full" access to the drive. You have additional option only if you can compile and run applications ...
by oleg72
Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:27 pm
Forum: MakeMKV for Linux
Topic: Shared bluray disk
Replies: 4
Views: 14821

Shared bluray disk

Hi, first of all i would like to thank the creator(s) of such a wonderful piece of software. I've installed makemkv on my htpc (ubutnu 16.04 + kodi 17.1) and it's working perfectly. However, I have another htpc client (ubutnu + kodi too) without bluray drive. So, the question is how to make it work ...