Search found 2 matches

by tbart
Sat Jan 23, 2016 7:23 am
Forum: Blu-ray discs
Topic: Disney's Frozen (GER) - Die Eiskönigin - KEY NOT ESTABLISHED
Replies: 3
Views: 7314

Re: Disney's Frozen (GER) - Die Eiskönigin - KEY NOT ESTABLI

The BD is in pristine condition.. The drive also plays a pre-2012 BD successfully with the standard libaacs+VLC combination on linux.. I still don't fully understand this whole DRM stuff, but is there anything in my drive that can cause this? So, assuming my drive correctly reads the disc and MakeMK...
by tbart
Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:57 pm
Forum: Blu-ray discs
Topic: Disney's Frozen (GER) - Die Eiskönigin - KEY NOT ESTABLISHED
Replies: 3
Views: 7314

Disney's Frozen (GER) - Die Eiskönigin - KEY NOT ESTABLISHED

.. legally bought my first BD, wanted to watch it with my kids, had to tell them it won't work. This DRM stuff is such a shame. I refuse to buy a BD Player that does nothing 99,9% of the time (I have a RPi2 as an HTPC and it works nicely for anything not BD) Sorry for the rant. Had to say it. Can an...