Search found 3 matches

by gimpmaster
Sun Dec 21, 2014 11:28 pm
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: The Expendables 3 Blu Ray
Replies: 3
Views: 10051

Re: The Expendables 3 Blu Ray

I had the exact same problem with the exact same Blu Ray. I was able to fix it by uninstalling and then re-installing now I'm officially at 1.9.0 in both GUI and Makemkv.
by gimpmaster
Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:46 pm
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: Some videos, when ripped, skip around in time
Replies: 3
Views: 10190

Re: Some videos, when ripped, skip around in time

Ah thank you. That is very helpful. I have seen some blu rays where they have 20+ video tracks all about the same size. This make sense now. Just searching around in these forums I found this statement. In any case, this explains the momentary scene "flashbacks" to the funeral I was gettin...
by gimpmaster
Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:27 pm
Forum: General MakeMKV discussion
Topic: Some videos, when ripped, skip around in time
Replies: 3
Views: 10190

Some videos, when ripped, skip around in time

I've had this happen on a couple blu ray videos I have ripped. For example "Now You See Me" and "Red 2". At a certain part in the movie the video will jump in time about 1 minute or so in the future and play there for about 3-5 minutes. Then it will jump backwards to the section ...