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by Dirtydeedz
Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:55 am
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: Can't Rip and OLD DVD
Replies: 3
Views: 8924

Re: Can't Rip and OLD DVD

crowfax wrote:Chances are the disc is damaged
Spot on crowfax. MakeMKV finally worked after the 25th or 26th time in the Memorex OptiFix Pro :mrgreen: :oops:

Of course, the last two "Repair" Cycles I held pressure on the lid of the OptiFix w/ my thumbs :!:

Sorry for the confusion.
by Dirtydeedz
Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:23 am
Forum: DVD discs
Topic: Can't Rip and OLD DVD
Replies: 3
Views: 8924

Can't Rip and OLD DVD

I thought maybe it was the old DVD just being "Old". A few scratches here and there; but, it still plays fine. Then I read the forums here and it looks like others have similar issues. And I was able to rip it w/ some other software. But, I wana rip it w/ MakeMKV because it's the best :win...