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by Pizzle
Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:26 pm
Forum: Blu-ray discs
Topic: Prison Break S01 D01 Decrypting Error
Replies: 4
Views: 11407

Re: Prison Break S01 D01 Decrypting Error

If PowerDVD can't read it either, then hardware problems move up the list. How are other BDs, not from this series, doing in the drive? If you put the BD in the drive and try to navigate it with Explorer, can you visit each directory, and get file listings? Hi, Other Blu-ray's work fine. I recently...
by Pizzle
Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:06 am
Forum: Blu-ray discs
Topic: Prison Break S01 D01 Decrypting Error
Replies: 4
Views: 11407

Re: Prison Break S01 D01 Decrypting Error

Hi! the discs are brand new just opened yesterday, so we can rule them out. You can't rule ANYTHING out initially. Have you examined the disc for any and all kinds of physical damage that may have occurred during manufacturing, packing, or shipping? Have you, at the very least played the disc (on t...
by Pizzle
Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:19 am
Forum: Blu-ray discs
Topic: Prison Break S01 D01 Decrypting Error
Replies: 4
Views: 11407

Prison Break S01 D01 Decrypting Error

Hi, I recently purchased the complete series on Blu-ray (in region A/B) and have decided to back it up. The first disc won't scan properly and anydvd hd (Version just says "AnyDVD is Scanning the disc!" for like 10 minutes. I tried the next 2 discs, Disc 2 and Disc 3, and they wor...